
Getting Started


Bulma Simple Theme uses the Bulma frontend framework. Check out the Bulma docs for more information.

Setting the Primary Colour

To overwrite the primary theme colour, create a new file called assets/css/app.scss. Copy and paste the below into the app.scss file.

$primary: #333333;
// Import Main CSS file from theme
@import "main";

To change the primary theme colour, set the sass variable $primary to the colour you want. Ensure this is set before the @import "main"; line.

Customising styles

Bulma has many sass variables that allows you to fully customise your site as you wish and make it your own design.

You can overwrite any of the Bulma initial variables in this way as long as they are declared before the @import "main";.

You can also add any custom css you wish in the app.scss file.

Theme Color Meta Tag

If you want to update the theme color meta tag then set theme_color: '#333333' in your _config.yml file.

Overriding theme defaults

If you want to further customise your site then you can create _includes or _layouts directories and create files with the same name as the default theme files and overwrite them as you please.

A word of warning though, this may make it more difficult to upgrade to future versions of the theme.

Please see the Jekyll documentation for Overriding theme defaults for more information.